Catholics bishops of the USA having yesterday unanimously backed the
initiative of the New York Archdiocese to seek the canonization of
Dorothy Day, it seems a good moment to post this chapter from "All Is
Saint Dorothy?
Long before her death, many
people spoke of Dorothy Day as a saint. It made Dorothy uncomfortable and
sometimes irritable. If people knew her better, she insisted, they would see
her in a far more critical light. She staunchly resisted being regarded as a
model Christian. She famously said, “Don’t call me a saint — I don’t want to be
dismissed so easily.” On the other hand she aspired to sanctity and was
impatient with those who regarded saints as a breed apart. “We are all called to be saints,” she often
said, paraphrasing Saint Paul’s Letter to the Romans. Sanctity isn’t for the
few but for the many, not for the exceptional but for the ordinary. But no sane
person looks in a mirror and sees a halo. One certain indication of someone
being far from sanctity is imagining themselves being portrayed on a holy card.
Actual saints seek recognition only as great sinners.
What Dorothy could not see in
herself, many others, including people who knew her well, perceived. In September
1983, the Claretians, a Catholic religious order active in sixty countries,
took the first step in promoting recognition of Dorothy Day as a saint. Their
campaign was launched with the publication of an article by Father Henry Fehren
in a Claretian journal, Salt.
Canonization would, Fehren argued, make Dorothy’s life known to generations to
come with the result that “more people would learn about her and be inspired
and strengthened by her. Saint Augustine said that funeral customs were more
for the living than for the dead; and canonization also is not to benefit the
dead but the living.”
What impressed him most about
Dorothy Day, he wrote, “was her perseverance — year after year living an
austere life in the grimmest of conditions, being jailed again and again, never
giving up doing the works of mercy, never getting cynical, never letting her
love of God and people dissolve. Anyone can be saintly for a week or two, or
even a year, but to persevere from youth through old age, to remain on the cross
until death — that is a mark of true holiness.”
The Church calendar, he
continued, needed more lay people, women especially. “Most of the canonized
saints ... are nuns, brothers, priests, and bishops; yet the Church is almost
entirely made up of lay people, and the emphasis in our time is on the work and
responsibility of the lay people in the Church.... Dorothy Day did not ask
Church officials for permission to do her works of mercy.... Nor did she found
a religious order, as so many holy women of strong character had in the
past.... ‘How to love,’ she wrote in one issue of The Catholic Worker, ‘that is the question.’ She answered that
question by her life.”
The Claretians solicited prayers
and testimonials and also printed cards with a drawing of Dorothy Day on one
side and a prayer on the reverse: “Merciful God, you called your servant
Dorothy Day to show us the face of Jesus in the poor and forsaken. By constant
practice of the works of mercy, she embraced poverty and witnessed steadfastly
to justice and peace. Count her among your saints and lead us to become friends
of the poor ones of the earth and to recognize you in them.” Over the years,
tens of thousands of the cards, plus similar posters, have been distributed —
the Claretians have lost count of how many. Part of their website is devoted to
Dorothy Day.
In 1997, seventeen years after
Dorothy’s death, Cardinal John O’Connor, Archbishop of New York, took the first
steps in launching the actual process of canonization. For those who recalled
the military dimension of O’Connor’s background, it must have come as a
surprise. In 1952, seven years after his ordination as a priest, O’Connor
joined the U.S. Navy as a chaplain. He often entered combat zones, first in
Korea, later in Vietnam, to say Mass and administer last rites to the wounded.
In 1975, he was appointed Chief of Navy Chaplains with the rank of rear
admiral. In all, he spent twenty-seven years with the military before he was
appointed Bishop of Scranton in 1983 and then, the following year, Archbishop
of New York.
A bishop who is also an admiral,
one might have imagined, is an unlikely candidate to seek the canonization of a
woman who had spent much of her life encouraging people not to go to war. On
the other hand, someone who has seen the reality of combat would not be last in
line to appreciate Dorothy’s hatred of war. “No priest can watch the blood
pouring from the wounds of the dying, be they American or Vietnamese of the
North or South, without anguish and a sense of desperate frustration and
futility,” he wrote. “The clergy back home, the academicians in their
universities, the protesters on their marches are not the only ones who cry
out, “Why?’”
As a bishop, O’Connor not only
opposed abortion but capital punishment, and was also outspoken in his critique
of war and militarization. In the 1980s, he condemned U.S. support of
counter-revolutionary guerrilla forces in Central America, opposed America’s
mining of the waters off Nicaragua, questioned spending vast sums on new weapon
systems, and in general advocated caution in regard to American military
actions around the world. In 1998, he questioned whether U.S. missile strikes
on Afghanistan and Sudan were morally justifiable, and, in 1999, during the
Kosovo War, declared that NATO’s bombing campaign of Yugoslavia did not meet
the Church’s criteria for a just war. “Does the relentless bombing of
Yugoslavia,” O’Connor asked, “prove the power of the Western world or its
weakness?” He was also known as strongly pro-labor. Had she lived to know
Cardinal O’Connor, Dorothy would have applauded his stands on many issues, no
doubt recalling how uncritical of American military actions Cardinal Francis
Spellman had been.
In a homily given at Mass in
Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in New York on November 9, 1997, a day after the
hundredth anniversary of Dorothy’s birth, O’Connor said he was considering
proposing Dorothy Day for canonization and invited responses to this idea from
any interested persons. She was, he said, “a truly remarkable woman” who had combined
a deep faith and love for the Church with a passionate commitment to serving
the poor and to saving lives. He would soon be meeting with persons
knowledgeable about Dorothy’s life, he announced, including some who were
present as his invited guests at Mass that day.
O’Connor acknowledged that some
might object to his taking up the cause of Dorothy Day because “she was a
protester against some things that people confuse with Americanism itself,” but
this was a view he completely rejected. Others, he said, might argue that she
was already widely recognized as a living saint and therefore formal
canonization is not needed. “Perhaps,” O’Connor said, “but why does the Church
canonize saints? In part, so that their person, their works and their lives will
become that much better known, and that they will encourage others to follow in
their footsteps — and so the Church may say, ‘This is sanctity, this is the
road to eternal life.’” Dorothy was, he said, someone who believed that a
person is “a temple of God, sacred, made in the image and likeness of God,
infinitely more important in its own way than any building.... To Dorothy Day,
everyone was a cathedral.”
Dorothy Day, he continued, “saw
the world at large turned into a huge commercial marketplace where money means
more than anything else. She saw people turned into tools of commerce. She saw
the family treated as a marketplace. She reminded us frequently enough that the
Church herself could become simply a marketplace. She loved the Church, and she
was immensely faithful to the Church. She had no time for those who attacked
the Church as such, the Body of Christ. She loved the Holy Father. But she
recognized that we poor, weak human beings — people like you, people like me —
could turn the Church into nothing but a marketplace.” The more reading he had
done about Dorothy Day, he said, “the more saintly a woman she seems to be.”
He noted that Dorothy had often
been severely criticized. “She suffered in many, many ways. Some of the
sufferings, she herself would say, she brought on herself. Others came from
enemies. Most of her suffering came from seeing the sufferings of Christ in the
Praising Dorothy for all she had
done to draw attention to Saint Therese of Lisieux, he read aloud the final
paragraphs of Dorothy’s book about “the Little Flower”:
So many books have been written about Saint
Therese, books of all kinds, too, so why, I ask myself again, have I written
one more? There are popular lives, lives written for children, travelogue lives
following her footsteps, lives for the extrovert, the introvert, the
contemplative, the activist, the scholar and the theologian.
Yet it was the ‘worker,’ the common man, who
first spread her fame by word of mouth. It was the masses who first proclaimed
her a saint. It was the ‘people.’
When we think of the masses, we think of
waves of the sea, of forests, of fields of wheat, all moved by the spirit which
blows where it listeth. When we think of the people we think of the child at
school, the housewife at her dishpan, the mother working, the mother sick, the
man traveling, the migrant worker, the craftsman, the factory worker, the
soldier, the rich, the bourgeois, the poor in tenements, the destitute man in
the street. To a great extent she has made her appeal to all of these.
What was there about her to make such an
appeal? Perhaps because she was so much like the rest of us in her
ordinariness. In her lifetime there are no miracles recounted, she was just
What did she do? She practiced the presence
of God and she did all things — all the little things that make up our daily
life and contact with others — for His honor and glory. She did not need much
time to expound what she herself called ‘her little way,’ which she said was
for all. She wrote her story, and God did the rest. God and the people. God
chose for the people to clamor for her canonization.
Noting that, prior to her
religious conversion, Dorothy had aborted her first child, O’Connor said, “I
wish every woman who has ever suffered an abortion, including perhaps someone
or several in this church, would come to know Dorothy Day. Her story was so
typical. Made pregnant by a man who insisted she have an abortion, who then
abandoned her anyway, she suffered terribly for what she had done, and later
pleaded with others not to do the same. But later, too, after becoming a
Catholic, she learned the love and mercy of the Lord, and knew she never had to
worry about His forgiveness. This is why I have never condemned a woman who has
had an abortion; I weep with her and ask her to remember Dorothy Day’s sorrow
but to know always God’s loving mercy and forgiveness.”
Dorothy’s gratitude for the
Church, despite every human shortcoming and sin, warranted O’Connor’s
admiration: “Her respect for and commitment and obedience to Church teaching
were unswerving. Indeed, those of us who grew up knowing her recognized early
in the game that she was a radical precisely because she was a believer, a
believer and a practitioner. She, in fact, chided those who wanted to join her
in her works of social justice, but who, in her judgment, didn’t take the
Church seriously enough, and didn’t bother about getting to Mass.”
The approach of Dorothy’s
hundredth birthday, he said, had inspired a number of people to send him letters
urging her canonization. O’Connor read several of them aloud, including one
written several years earlier by Robert Coles, a physician on the faculty of
the Harvard Medical School who had come to know Dorothy when he was a medical
Fourteen years ago my wife started getting
some numbness in her left side. I took her to a prominent doctor, who, after a
diagnostic work-up, told us that she had a brain tumor and she had six months
to live. The doctors were absolutely definite about it.... I wrote to Dorothy;
I told her. And I started getting a letter or a postcard a day from her with
her prayers and her messages. She didn’t contradict the doctors, but her
letters were different in nature — full of encouragement and love. After the
months turned into years, the doctors started talking about a ‘miraculous
recovery.’ They said that my wife somehow had “made it.” ... The only one who
didn’t tell me my wife was going to die in six months was Dorothy Day.
“I wish I had known Dorothy Day
personally,” O’Connor concluded. “I feel that I know her because of her
goodness. But surely, if any woman ever loved God and her neighbor it was
Dorothy Day! Pray that we do what we should do.”
O’Connor’s decision to formally
begin the process quickly followed. On February 5, 1998, he invited various
people who had known Dorothy well (among them Tom and Monica Cornell, Eileen
Egan, Robert Ellsberg, Jane Sammon, Frank Donovan and Pat and Kathleen Jordan)
to come to his office for an unhurried discussion that started at 4 P.M. and
lasted until 6:30. O’Connor sat on the couch for the meeting, Tom Cornell
recalled, “joking about how a cardinal should sit higher not lower.” Thanks to
the notes taken by Robert Ellsberg, I have a detailed account of the meeting.
“The purpose of the present
meeting is to reflect on whether this is really God’s will,” O’Connor said at
the outset. “Is it in the best interest of the poor, of the Church? What should
we do in this matter? ... Cardinal Newman said, “The tragedy is never to have
begun.’ So now we are beginning. If we decide to go forward it will be a
lengthy and complicated process. I presume it will not be completed in whatever
time I have left.’
Responding to the issue of
whether the time was right, Ellsberg pointed out that “Dorothy is a real saint
of what Cardinal Bernardin called ‘common ground.’ She challenges the reformers
and social activists to maintain their love for the Church and the Gospel. She
challenges conservatives to be attentive to the radical social dimensions of
the Gospel. She challenges both sides to resolve differences with mutual
respect and love, for the benefit of the world.”
Pat Jordan, another former
managing editor of The Catholic Worker,
said he felt it was important that the light shed by Dorothy’s life “not be
hidden under a basket.” He stressed her purity, her modesty, her hope, her
ability to go on even when things seemed hopeless, and doing so without
institutional help. Her greatest sacrifice was “not being able to put the needs
of her family first — she died totally to self to try to respond to Christ’s
love. She had to struggle, to forgive seventy times seven. She knew all the
spiritual traps. She challenged us always to care for the weak, to love our
enemy, yet she never claimed that everyone had to do it her way. In this
materialistic society, she showed us the simple beauty of sharing and of
O’Connor asked Jordan what
Dorothy would think about being called a saint? “She would have none of it,” he
replied. “She knew that some people during her life wanted to call her a saint.
She thought it was a way of letting themselves off the hook — Dorothy could do
these things because ‘she’s a saint.’ But she really took seriously the idea
that we are all called to be saints. She wasn’t embarrassed about saying that.
She often quoted Leon Bloy, ‘There is only one sadness: not to be a saint.’”
Was her objection to being
called a saint due to humility, O’Connor asked. “Dorothy had a strong sense of
her own sins, her weaknesses and failures,” Jordan responded. “Her standards
were so high that her failures stood out all the more sharply. But she had all
the more sense of God’s grace, of what it means to be forgiven. Her gravestone
has the words ‘Deo Gratias,’ as she
had requested. She had such a sense of gratitude, a sense that what she had
done was because of grace. This was one reason she didn’t like to be called a
saint, which implied that she deserved the credit for what she had done. She
believed she was responsible for her failures. Everything else was due to God.”
O’Connor noted that some people
objected to the archdiocese seeking Dorothy’s canonization because it would
cost a great deal of money that could better be given to the poor. “I don’t
know where this idea comes from that a lot of money is involved,” said
O’Connor. “It’s really a very small amount. The process of seeking the
canonization of Pierre Toussaint [a Haitian-born New Yorker of slave descent],
which has progressed now to the point of awaiting a miracle, has cost the
archdiocese no more than three or four thousand dollars, including the cost of
sending someone to Rome. [In 1996, Toussaint was beatified by Pope John Paul.]
If the money were given instead to the poor, we wouldn’t be giving them very
much money.”
Eileen Egan, Dorothy’s friend of
many years as well as a key figure in Catholic Relief Services, saw Dorothy as
someone who “shows that ordinary people can live by the Sermon on the Mount.
She tried to relate the Sermon on the Mount to everything she did. This makes
her a tremendous inspiration for lay people. Most saints appear to be hedged in
by vows or life style, but Dorothy wasn’t hedged in by anything.”
O’Connor wondered if
canonization might trivialize Dorothy’s memory — would it merely serve as a
“superficial aggrandizement of the Catholic Worker movement? Would it let us
off the hook? Would it be a way, as she said, of dismissing her too easily?
Turning her into a holy card? Would it attract more people to know this life?
The issue here is the holiness of her life. Holiness is expressed in a thousand
Jordan said that Dorothy had
taught him “how to see Christ in every person. This didn’t come easily or
naturally. It reflected tremendous effort. She was not always an easy person to
get along with. There were times when I felt miffed by her decisions. But there
was no question in my mind about her holiness. I’ve never met anyone like her.
I doubt that I will ever meet anyone else like her.”
Ellsberg commented that, “if
Dorothy Day was not a saint, it is hard to know what meaning that word should
O’Connor said that the
discussion had made it even clearer that “here was a holy woman” and that he
would be failing in his duty if he were not to begin the canonization process.
“I don’t want to have on my conscience that I didn’t do something that God
wanted done.” It seemed to him that the campaign the Claretians had begun in
1983 should now be taken up by the diocese Dorothy had belonged to all her
Catholic life.
As he said goodbye, O’Connor
remarked, “You are all so warm — you must have gathered around a wonderful
The group met again in March,
this time augmented by Catholic Worker artist Ade Bethune, Geoff Gneuhs (who,
as a Dominican priest, had presided at Dorothy’s funeral), Dorothy’s friend and
correspondent Nina Polcyn Moore, Phillip Runkel (curator of the Catholic Worker
Archive at Marquette University), long-time Catholic Worker Dorothy Gauchat,
George Horton of Catholic Charities, and Meinrad Scherer-Emunds, representing
the Claretians. Tom and Monica Cornell were absent; they were at the Vatican
for a meeting with Cardinal Joseph Stafford, then head of the Pontifical
Council for the Laity, who would have to approve Cardinal O’Connor’s
application to introduce Dorothy’s cause in Rome.
The decision to begin the
process having already been taken, the focus this time was on identifying next
steps. In the coming months, O'Connor would send a letter to the prefect
heading the Congregation for the Causes of Saints proposing Dorothy’s
canonization. Next would come the formal appointment of a postulator in Rome
and a vice-postulator in New York who would interview people who knew Dorothy
or were acquainted with her life. Next, a commission would write a historical
report on Dorothy’s life which would then be handed over to a theological
commission. Finally a recommendation would be made to the pope that, as soon as
there is a documented miracle linked to her, Dorothy Day be declared Blessed. A
second miracle would open the way for her official recognition as Saint
In September 1998, O’Connor
wrote to those involved in the meetings to let them know how things were coming
along: “I have written to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints asking that
the process for her canonization be initiated. Included in my submission are
the letters submitted by those who attended our meetings in the spring. I have
received an invitation to meet with the Prefect of the Congregation during my
next trip to Rome. I may have more information for you following that visit.”
Rome is well known for moving
slowly. It wasn’t until March 2000, eighteen months later, that Cardinal
O’Connor announced the approval of the Holy See for the Archdiocese of New York
to open the cause for the beatification and canonization. With this approval,
Dorothy received the formal ecclesiastical title, “Servant of God Dorothy Day.”
By then O’Connor knew he was
living in sight of his grave. Two months later, on May 3, he died of
cardiopulmonary arrest. He was eighty years old. A spokesman for the archdiocese
said the cardinal’s death was “the result of the tumor and the cancer that he
was suffering from.”
O’Connor’s successor, Cardinal
Edward Egan, formally established the Dorothy Day Guild in 2005 to advance the
cause. (One way to join the guild is via its website:
http://dorothydayguild.org.) His successor, Archbishop Timothy Dolan,
enthusiastically supports the cause, which is headquartered in the New York
Archdiocesan Offices.
Whatever comes of the
canonization effort, the Catholic Worker movement is alive and continues to
grow. Each house of hospitality that identifies itself with the Catholic Worker
movement — currently there are more than a hundred and sixty — might be
regarded as a monument to Dorothy Day, though Dorothy would stress they are
first and foremost a response to the words of Christ: “What you did to the
least, you did to me.” There is also the more hidden testimony of the many
people who lead more hospitable and more peaceful lives, thanks in part to
Dorothy Day. Who could count them all?
source:http://www.americamagazine. org/blog/entry.cfm?blog_id=2& entry_id=5492
All Is Grace: a biography of Dorothy Day:
http://www.jimandnancyforest. com/2006/03/24/all-is-grace/
Jim's books: www.jimandnancyforest.com/ books/
Jim & Nancy web site: www.jimandnancyforest.com
Don't Call Me a Saint?
Posted at: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 10:14:52 AM
Author: James Martin, S.J
Author: James Martin, S.J
Yesterday, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops enthusiastically endorsed the canonization of Dorothy Day, the American-born co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement. Day’s “cause,” as it is known in church circles, was first introduced by John Cardinal O’Connor, the late Archbishop of New York. Timothy Cardinal Dolan, the current archbishop, was required under the terms of a 2007 Vatican document to consult with the regional bishops conference (in this case the USCCB) on the advisability of pursuing the canonization of Day, whose ministry was based in New York City. The bishops approved the proposal by a voice vote, after a brief discussion in which bishops praised the woman who admirers refer to simply as Dorothy.
It is exciting news. If anyone deserves to be a saint it’s Dorothy Day, not only because of her decades of direct service to the poor, her critique of the systems that kept people in poverty, her heartfelt invitation of thousands of people to participate in the corporal works of mercy, and her moving writings; but also for her personal piety and generosity. The publication of her journals and letters over the last few years, which detailed her compassionate approach to everyone in her life—from her daughter Tamar to a homeless man just turned up on her doorstep--only added to her luster. Canonization will bring more millions more people to her provocative writings, raise interest in the Catholic Worker movement, and challenge believers to meditate on her simplicity of life and her lifelong advocacy for the poor and marginalized.
But there is a problem. And that problem is a quote attributed to, of all people, Dorothy Day. “Don’t call me a saint,” she is often said to have said. "I don’t want to be dismissed that easily." That quote is probably the biggest barrier to her canonization. Not that it would deter the Vatican, since the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints is used to dealing with the humility of a prospective saints. But the quote sets up a kind of spiritual roadblock for many of her admirers. Many believe she is a saint, but balk at supporting her canonization. Given that quote, would Dorothy really want to be canonized? Oddly, supporting her feels almost like a betrayal.
Anticipating the bishops’ vote, I put that question a few days ago to Robert Ellsberg, the publisher of Orbis Books, and the editor of The Duty of Delight, Dorothy Day’s journals; and All the Way to Heaven, her collected letters. As a young man on leave from Harvard University, Ellsberg had worked with Dorothy, and served for a time as editor of the Catholic Worker newspaper. So I asked him few questions: What was the source of that famous quote? What did he suppose she meant? What would he imagine Dorothy’s feelings to be about her canonization, hard as that might be to surmise? And, finally, how did he feel about the possibility of St. Dorothy Day? His answer is below.
Robert Ellsberg
This afternoon, through the miracle of live-streaming, I was able to listen to in on the discussion by the US Catholic bishops about the canonization of Dorothy Day. Cardinal Dolan, who has vigorously supported the cause initiated by his predecessor Cardinal John O’Connor, was seeking an expression of approval—not for the cause of Day’s canonization but the “opportuneness” for pursuing the cause. Several bishops, including Cardinal McCarrick and Cardinal George spoke in favor of the resolution, and at the end it received a unanimous voice vote of approval.No one, I was glad to see, referred to Day’s oft-quoted line, “Don’t call me a saint. I don’t want to be dismissed that easily.” This line comes up all too frequently in discussions of Day’s canonization, with the usual implication being: Can’t you let the poor woman rest in peace?
I bear a burden of responsibility for publicizing that line, which I quoted in the introduction to an anthology of her writings almost thirty years ago. Where did it come from? I can’t honestly say. I do remember one time sitting at the kitchen table with her at St. Joseph’s house, looking at an issue of Time magazine in which she was included in a list of “living saints.” “When they call you a saint,” she said, “it means basically that you are not to be taken seriously.”
Whatever the provenance of her famous “quote”—the important question is: What did she mean?
Dorothy’s own relationship with saints was anything but cynical. Both her daily speech and her writings were filled with references to St. Paul, St. Augustine, St. Francis of Assisi, and St. Teresa of Avila. She treasured their stories. For Dorothy these were not idealized super-humans, but her constant companions and daily guides in the imitation of Christ. She relished the human details of their struggles to be faithful, realizing full well that in their own time they were often regarded as eccentrics or dangerous troublemakers.
But she didn’t just study their life and writings. She also firmly believed in their role as heavenly patrons. Whenever funds or provisions ran low she would “petition” St. Joseph. She would pray to St. Therese for patience and understanding. She would pray to St. Francis to increase her spirit of poverty. For many years, the Catholic Worker was largely illustrated by woodcuts by Ade Bethune depicting the saints in everyday dress, performing the works of mercy. She devoted many years of her life writing a life of St. Therese of Lisieux. I have no doubt she would have delighted in the news that St. Therese was named a Doctor of the Church. It is unthinkable that she would have responded by saying, “That means basically that Therese is not to be taken seriously!”
Furthermore, long before Vatican II took up the theme of the universal call to holiness, Dorothy Day taught that “we are all called to be saints.” As she noted, “We might as well get over our bourgeois fear of the name. We might also get used to recognizing the fact that there is some of the saint in all of us. Inasmuch as we are growing, putting off the old man and putting on Christ, there is some of the saint, the holy, the divine right there.” In other words, Dorothy Day regarded sanctity as the ordinary vocation of every Christian—not just the goal of a chosen few.
What Dorothy certainly opposed—and what saint wouldn’t?—was being put on a pedestal, fitted to some pre-fab conception of holiness that would strip her of her humanity and, at the same time, dismiss the radical challenge of the gospel. “Dorothy Day could do such things (live in poverty, feed the hungry, go to jail for the cause of peace). She’s a saint.” For those who said this sort of thing, the implication was that such actions—which would be out of reach for ordinary folk--must have come easily for her. She had no patience for that kind of cop-out.
She also knew that if you live long enough, eventually you come to be regarded as a “venerable survivor.” She certainly lived long enough to experience some of this. I once heard her say, “Too much praise makes you feel that you must be doing something terribly wrong.”
Doubtless there is now plenty of praise for Dorothy Day that would have provoked her famous scowl. She might have been surprised—and disappointed--that not a single bishop stood up to say Nay. Were there not at least a few to stand up and admit they have no use for her pacifism, her refusal to pay taxes, her general disdain for the free-market capitalist system?
Cardinal Dolan, like Cardinal O’Connor before him, has addressed the question of whether her youthful bohemian lifestyle, including an abortion, render her ineligible for canonization. As he has noted, her early life, with all her acknowledged mistakes and sins, were part of the journey that led her to Christ. And in the conversion that ensued, she pursued her relationship with Christ with heroic faithfulness. As is the case with all saints, it is her very humanity that makes her such a compelling model.
I was honored to be part of the initial conversations with Cardinal O’Connor, along with others who knew her, regarding Dorothy’s possible canonization. It is clear that whatever Dorothy might think about this is not ultimately important. The process of naming saints is not some kind of posthumously bestowed honor. It is more of a gift that the church bestows on itself. There is always the danger in celebrating such a gift that the church will simply congratulate itself on including such a heroic figure, name a church after her, and be done with her.
But I trust that this is a gift that will continue to trouble our consciences, that will not let us rest while war, hunger, poverty, and injustice are so pervasive in our world. Dorothy believed we needed a new kind of saint. As she remarked as a child, “Where were the saints to try to change the social order, not just to minister to the slaves, but to do away with slavery?” I believe the possible canonization of Dorothy Day is an answer to that question. There are those who might try to fit her into a conventional mold. But I don’t think she will allow herself to be dismissed that easily.
All Is Grace: a biography of Dorothy Day:
Jim's books: www.jimandnancyforest.com/
Jim & Nancy web site: www.jimandnancyforest.com
Photo collections: www.flickr.com/photos/ jimforest/collections/
On Pilgrimage blog: http:// jimandnancyonpilgrimage. blogspot.com/
A Tale of Two Kidneys blog: http://ataleof2kidneys. blogspot.com/
In Communion site: www.incommunion.org
Jim & Nancy Forest
On Pilgrimage blog: http://
A Tale of Two Kidneys blog: http://ataleof2kidneys.
In Communion site: www.incommunion.org
Jim & Nancy Forest
Kanisstraat 5 / 1811 GJ Alkmaar / The Netherlands
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