The Miracle of Christ in Prison Uniform Icon
The icon was painted in a church by Father Arsenie Boca during the communist regime in Romania at a time when he was under constant and direct surveillance by the secret services (Securitate).
Not only the details of this icon (prison uniform and haircut) were not observed by Securitate, but it took another 60 years until someone who was fascinated by his icons observed them, after the fall of communism.
It was typical of Father Arsenie to do such "defiant" things and he performed countless other miracles. Also "defiant" is the fact that the icon does not fit within the basic guidelines for iconography which is true for many of his icons. Farther Arsenie confessed that he was simply painting the things that God showed him.
The prison theme is relevant to the persecutions that were endured during the communist regime and also has Biblical connotations: "I was in prison and you came to visit Me" (Matthew 25:36) Christ identifies with those in prison and suffers together with them.
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