This is a monastic community of brothers and sisters who live by the Little Way of St Therese with the spirituality of St Francis, and it is a new foundation that began in Belgium. After this introductory paragraph, all, including the photos, is taken from their website(click). The impression they give from the photos on their website is that they have much in common with the Community of St Jean and the Community of Jerusalem; and there are similarities with the monastic family of Bethlehem
- All four have a monastic structure and orientation, with lectio divina, divine office and work in community in a spirit of silence;
- All four wear habits, have a traditional hierarchy of authority and are generally traditional without being stuffy. They use the Novus Ordo and celebrate it with dignity and devotion.
- All four put emphasis on adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and use icons as an intimate part of their spirituality, thus combining within themselves both East and West. The brothers and sisters of Tiberiade have a devotion to St Francis of Assisi, Saint Therese, Saint Seraphim of Sarov and St Silouan the Athonite.
- All four have masculine and feminine branches. As with St Jean and Jerusalem, in Tiberiade, brothers and sisters work and pray together while living in separate communities.
- Finally, like the Community of St Jean and the monastic fraternity of Jerusalem, the brothers and sisters of Tiberiade have an apostolate..
Story of the foundation
Beginnings - The roots
a small hut, now the Hermitage of St Bruno
At twelve years old, I discovered a small hidden hut. Over the years, I spent time alone and like a scout I worked with my hands, prayed and discovered the Church. Fifteen years later, I was ordained by the bishop of Namur. The hope wich burned my heart: to give to the Church a small fraternity, some brothers and sisters docile to the Holy Spirit, who would live in harmony and humility to answer the calls of the Church and our time, who would proclaim Jesus, would give witness of Him in unity and prayer and by humble work with their hands.
Twenty-seven years after this commitment, 24 brother sparrows and 5 little robins were given to me. The name of "sparrow" because we are like apostle monks, we often take flight to evangelize in the most direct way possible in every place. This religious life is fully penetrated by contemplation, fraternal life and mission. Our days are punctuated by prayer, welcoming people and we try to give priority to manual work. Manual work roots us to reality and opens us to the marvels of Creation. By study, we strive to receive a solid and spiritual formation to train versatile little brothers some of whom could become priests according to the call and the necessities of the mission.
The Church to be loved
From prayer and fraternal communion we try to overflow into mission. Our great joy is to announce Jesus and to love his Church by converting ourselves to the Gospel, by following the great example of Saint Francis and the little way of Saint Therese. The luminous example of Saint Francis and the little way of Saint Therese help us to live in abandon to Providence
Ardent disciples
We especially carry out this evangelization among young people and families so that the Spirit gives to the Church young saints, ardent disciples. Regularly we lives times of mission in villages, schools and parishes, where we are invited. We also visit families, this mission is very near to our heart to give to the Church holy families.
What characterizes us is:
-the choice of a simple life, a moderation that leaves space to Providence;
-attention to the quality of the fraternal life: place of conversion so that the love circulates like in the Trinity;
-to allow oneself to be simplified by the Gospel and trust;
-unity by charity, humility and faithfullness create many possibilities. Humbly, we also want to serve the unity wherever the Lord sends us. What is important for us, is not to be of such or such tendency, but to live the Gospel and the love of the Church with courage, and not to waste time in useless quarrels, so that "the Love is loved".
The name "Fraternity of Tiberiade"
The story in the Gospel of Peter walking on the water guided me in the choice of this name. For me, to follow Christ is a call to walk in faith. Very often, I swallow salt water, but ceaselessly, the risen Christ pulls me from the depth of the sea.
By meditating the Gospel, I perceived how much this lake and its shores were rich in the presence of Jesus: the answer of the first followers to his call and the witness of the confidence of Jesus, who sleeps in the boat despite the storm and answers the distress of his brothers
Brother Marc
After living for at least six years of religious life, a brother of Tiberias can engage in perpetual vows of poverty, chastity and obedience to follow Christ in the Society. Ceremony of solemn vows of Brother Lionel May 1 2010 the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. Music: "What I exult and rejoice" Taizé,
Album "Christe Lux Mundi
Tiberijados Bendruomene
LT 32234 Baltriškes – Zarasu raj.
Téléphone – fax : 00 370 385 43 694
web :
History of the foundation.
At a distance of 30 km from Lavaux-Sainte-Anne, Benedictine monks pray for the unity of the Church. The Monastery of Chevetogne accommodates together monks of the Latin Church and Byzantine rites, beiing a sign and a cry for unity between the Churches. They made us discover two Eastern figures : Saint Seraphim of Sarov ( Russia ) and Saint Siluan of Mount Athos ( Greece ). So after the fall of the Berlin wall, we naturally turned towards the Eastern countries that were recovering their freedom of expression.
With this in mind, Brother Joseph was invited in march 1991 to a Congress in Paris, of which the theme was : " How to give a soul back to Europe ? " Contacts were made with a Ukranian priest, but because of visa problems, Brother Joseph turned towards Lithuania. J?rate Telerskaite took part in this event with a Lithuanian delegation. She tells of her first meeting with the Brothers of Tiberiade.
" I have had a strong experience of God in 1990 while in Taize. Returning to Lithuania, I rediscoverd a patronizing Church very far from the spirit of Vatican II. I visited many communities in France, I understood we needed help, we had need of a spiritual oasis. Quite quickly, this inner wish became reality. In March 1991, I met Brother Joseph of the Fraternity of Tiberiade. Our paths crossed : my wish was to invite missionaries to talk about God's love, and Brother Joseph wanted to go to the East to proclaim the Gospel. In the summer of 1991, Vytautas Toleikis, who took part in the Paris meeting, invited Brother Joseph to a " ateitininku " camp during the summer. It was a wonderful experience of prayer, joy and life with youg people. "
After this first contact, everything progressed quickly. The camp was organised for the young people of the Ateitis mouvement, by Vytautas Toleikis, o professor from Vilnius.
" I lived this first train-journey to Lithuania more like a pilgrimage on the earth of martyrs, than like a mission of evangelization", says Brother Joseph. " We were about 30 young people and we lived in Samogitie (Žemaitija ) by the Lake Plateliai. Every day, we met interesting people ( poets, writers, monks... ). We met Father Stanislovas of Paberž?, from Orvydas, we met Brother Astijus from Kretinga and many others."
A few weeks after this first stay in Lithuania, two young people ( Darius ans Daiva ) hitch-hiked to Belgium. They came to invite Brother Joseph to go back to Lithuania. On the 11th November 1991, Brother Marc, Brother Joseph and Brother Benoit left to spent two weeks in Lithuania. For Brother Marc, this mission was improbable as the Belgian foundation was growing very slowly : there were only three brothers. That stay in 1991 was a turnig point. A spirit of freedom was blowing and one could feel the spiritual thirst of the young.
The meeting with Cardinal Sladkevi?ius was promising, he asked the brothers to start a foundation, being very interested in their mission with the young people and the families. " Our visit continued with moments of prayer at the Mount of the Crosses, in Aušros vartai " recalls Brother Joseph. " We had meetings in schools, boarding schools, every day, we were asked to start a foundation. Everyday life is very simple, for example we had to go to 7 shops to gather 1 kg of potatoes. "
Tiberiade will be here, in Baltriškès.
Brother Joseph with other Brothers made 18 trips to Lithuania before the permanent foundation in April 2001. The choice of the village of Baltriškès was decided the following year. In June 92, after the second ateitis camp, Father Algirdas Dauknys welcomed the Brothers an made them visit the whole region : Rokyškis, Dusetos, Zarasai ans Salakas. He also proposed a spot for the community. " It was after the First Communion Mass in Deguiai ", continues Brother Joseph, " we were on our way back to Antaliept_ along country roads, when, all of a sudden, we saw a beautiful wooden church of the beginning of the century. We were in Baltrišks. The place moved us a lot : Tiberiade will be here ". Brother Marc visited the village in November 1992 and confirmed that the community would be established there. The welcome of the villagers helped us make this choice.
The first young camp took place in 1993. Romas Gurklys, who lived temporarily in the presbytery, welcomed ou pilgrim brothers. They also lived in the presbytery and the young people in the old village school. There were about 30 youngsters from Zarasai, Utena, Vilnius " There were no tables, no benches, so we ate sitting on the floor. After the camp, we visited the young in the schools, where some had started prayer-groups that met every week. Father Algirdas and Romas helped us with the administrative work, the phone connection, the papers to acquire the village school."
It was in 1995 that the community settled at the opposite side of the village. A house became vacant and an old kolkhoze nearly, were a good opportunity. An incredible number of young people helped us to transform the kolkhoze into a house open to all. Everything was done very gradualy : the roof and and the wooden walls had to be dismanteld – we had firewood for 5 years –, the mangers for the cows had to be destroyed... and then everything had tobe rebuild. Brothers François remembers : " I had just joined the Fraternity and as a novice, I went for the first time to Baltrišk?s. I was very impressed by the place. The Brothers lived in a permanent camp, without running wather in those days. The washing by hand of the clothes was a weekly event. Many young people and families came to visit us unexpectedly, always eager to pray and to find peace in their hearts. The inhabitants were full of admiration when we spoke a vord of lithuanian. In the beginning, we needed the help of youngsters or of a teacher of french from Antaliepte for the translations. And then we had to start learning the language. When I had to answer the phone, I did not understand much and confused, I always asked to call back...just as well my Brothers learned faster...
At the end of the sumer, like the storks, we flew back to Belgium. Antanas and Ona, our neighbours, were always sad to see us go. We had to hide everything, pretend the place was abandoned not to attract attention. We barricaded the windows with old planks, we packed hay on the car in the garage and we came back the following spring. Only in 2001, could the Fraternity send four Brothers to Baltrišk?s. This answered Brother Marc's promise to Cardinal Sladkevi?ius : " We will be able to send 4 Brothers to Lithuania when we will count 12 Brothers in Belgium. "
Like a dance
In spring 2001, Brother Joseph, Brother Bart, Brother Gilles and Brother François arrived finally in Baltrišk?s. Nature began to awaken, the seasons influenced life in the village. The inhabitants showed a lot of kindness, they helped the Brothers with their advice. They welcomed their prayer routines. The vegetable garden surprised them many times with new kinds of vegetables such as leeks or another king of potatoes. " I remember the day when Antanas showed us how to cut the hay, says Brother François. He showed us how to hold the sickel, he wanted each of us to experiment, he made the mouvements with the Brothers, it became like a dance, a waltz...
Like children, we awaited the winter impatiently. What a spectacle ! It was marvellous to see the frozen lake covered with snow, the trees white with frost. Mos impressive was the silence that drew us down into contemplation. It was so beautiful, but it was cold. One needed o lot of wood to keep oneself warm. Cutting the wood, splitting it, carrying it to the shelters became a regular activity when we welcomed the young people... Since Brother Michel joined us we organise weekends for children. They roughly follow our schedule with a big game during the afternoon. That livens up life in the village. The ordination of Brother Gilles in 2004 was important for our foundation in Baltrišk?s, for the parishioners, the young and the families we welcome. It's a blessing to celebrate the Eucharist every day, it is the high point of our day.
It's difficult to relate all we have experienced durign those firs years in Baltriškès. So many marvellous moments ! This is only possible thanks to the generosity of each Brother and of so many who helped us by their prayers or small services. We can testify than Baltrišk?s is a land of resurrection. We have seen young people and families discover hope, a meaning to their lives : they went from death to life. "
"The Portiuncula"
Ngulumzamba neighborhood, Kanzombi
Common Lukemi
Kikwit (DRC)
Email Address: Diocese of Kikwit, the Brothers of Tiberias, Portiuncula, BP 7245 KIN I (DRC)
tel: 00243/80 729 81 22
Today we are four brothers in the fraternity of Tiberias in Kikwit: brothers Benedict, Joseph Cyril and Pascal. Our home is called "The Portiuncula" in reference to this small place where St. Francis in Assisi and his brothers first lived..
These six years of presence in the Democratic Republic of Congo have been for each of us the opportunity to both a revision of our values and a deep enrichment. The challenge to be faithful, especially to Christ's call to live a true poverty in a world so different from ours and with such great suffering. Enrichment because life here takes us back continually to Jesus and his gospel, down to its most radical demands: to be pruned, converted, pacified ... so that our hearts are opened to the dimensions of Christ's love.
Our life is modeled on that of our parent community in Belgium: prayer, manual labor, fraternal life and evangelization. Our Congolese brothers and sisters are sometimes surprised to see us return to the chapel so frequently (5 times a day), or continue this pace even when one of us is alone at home! It is because Jesus is the center of our lives and without this we really can not do anything.
As for work, it is not lacking in a foundation in the bush, 6 km from Kikwit, where everything has to be built. But with the help of many, the landscape is gradually beginning to reflect the simple beauty of God's presence. Beyond the construction work, there is the planting of fruit trees, rearing chickens and rabbits, and the vegetable garden ... and the thousand and one little things of everyday life such as preparing meals with the means at hand or washing up by hand!
Of course, we do not live with a view to "settle" but rather we are building a small nest strong enough so that, like "sparrows", we can fly to the mission and then return back to find strength in the Lord in the joy of fraternal life.
This mission starts when we meet with our neighbors, with day laborers, especially with children. Children are the smile of the Congo! We started a small group of "Children of the Harvest" which meets every other Saturday to learn to read and write, to play games, catechesis and prayer. The mission also spends some time with the youth; and we learn together to better know the Lord, to serve Him better and to love him.
But the mission is also compassion and sharing. We are able to help widows materially when needed, to give food to children at risk and to make sure that the very poor are treated properly and with dignity in medical centers.
There are so many urgent needs here! But the greatest need is love; as Bishop Mununu said to us when he greeted us into his diocese: "I entrust to you the people of Kikwit to love" . Thank you for praying for us to become more and more love, Christ's witnesses, balm on the wounds of our brothers.
San Damiano House
269#, Sampaguita Street
Greenland executive village
Phone :Nick ARAMBULO of Miss Gilda EREA
0063/ 91 94 85 60 25
During the World Youth days in the Philippines in 1995 we met kuya Nick, a young Filipino, who later committed himself to the community of Tiberiade as a lay missionary. Since then, has started growing A closer link with the Philippines and especially with Talim Island, where started the St. Damiano house. Nick, together with other St. Damiano group members, local residents, are working on several projects. They retain the dispensary, bamboo workshop, support poor students and do evangelization...
Families or young people who are friend of our community, contribute regularly to help in accordance with their existing talents. Since January 2009 Francois and Aude (from Belgium) with small Matthew ( went there for 2 years. They help in the local projects 2 other families started before.
Some brothers go annually to encourage Nick and all the St Damiano team in the Philippines.
Votre aide nous permettra de poursuivre les différents projets en cours et de soutenir notre mission auprès des familles et des jeunes. Merci et recevez déjà notre prière d'action de grâce.
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