- An Introduction to the Holy Week
- The Seven Penitential Psalms
- Holy Hour on Holy Thursday
- Litany of the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ
- The Way of Light (Via Lucis)
- Via Lucis (
- Diocese of Honolulu Lenten Regulations, 2010 We don't belong to Honolulu, but we belong to the same Church, thank God!!
Ian Ibana | February 15, 2010 at 10:33 pm | Categories: Lent | URL: http://wp.me/puic0-mr
1. All members of the Christian faithful, in their own way, are bound to do penance, in virtue of divine law. In order that all may be joined in a common observance of penance, penitential days such as the Season of Lent are prescribed during which the Christian faithful in a special way, pray, perform works of piety and charity, and deny themselves by fulfilling their responsibilities more faithfully and especially by observing fast and abstinence according to the norms of the following directives (Canon 1249):
2. All persons who have completed their 14th year are bound by the law of abstinence from meat.
3. Complete abstinence is to be observed on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent, and Good Friday during the Triduum.
4. The faithful will not lightly excuse themselves from this obligation. On days of complete abstinence, meats and soup or gravy made from meat are not to be eaten.
5. All adults are bound by the law of fast up to the beginning of their 60th year. According to Canon 97, #1, a person who has completed the 18th year is an adult.
6. The day of fast during Lent is Ash Wednesday (Feb. 17) the day of fast during the Triduum is Good Friday (April 2).
7. The faithful will not lightly excuse themselves from this obligation.
8. The faithful are encouraged during the period of Lent to attend daily Mass, receive Holy Communion, participate in penance services, and receive Sacramental Absolution; to take part as frequently as possible in public and private exercises of piety, give generously to works of religion and charity, perform acts of kindness towards the sick, aged, and the poor; to practice voluntary self-denial especially regarding food, drink, and worldly amusements; and to pray more fervently, particularly for the intentions of the Holy Father.
9. Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, falls this year on Feb. 17. Ashes are to be blessed and distributed as a sign of our entry into a season of conversion, repentance and reconciliation. Ashes are to be blessed by a bishop, priest or deacon only. Others (special ministers or delegated laypersons) may be associated with the bishop, priests and deacons in the imposition of ashes.
10. It is contrary to the penitential spirit of the Season of Lent to request elaborate weddings with a number of bridal attendants and lavish decorations.
11. All the faithful, after they have been initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, are bound by the obligation of receiving Communion at least once a year. This percept is to be fulfilled during the Easter Season unless it is fulfilled for a just cause at some other time during the year. This period is extended to include all the weeks of Lent and of the Easter Season up to Trinity Sunday (May 30).
12. To afford the faithful opportunities to participate in Lenten prayer services, pastors are encouraged to have such prayer services at least twice a week. The Way of the Cross is ideally conducted on Fridays. Benediction as part of Eucharistic Prayer Service is encouraged. Evening Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours is recommended (resources are available from the Office of Worship). Evening Masses with homily would be most desirable. A homily or instruction should be part of these evening devotions or liturgies.
13. In orders to allow participation of Catholic throughout the State, the Holy Oils will be blessed during the Mass of the Chrism to be celebrated in several locations. All are encouraged to join in this celebration.
All celebrations will begin at 7:00 p.m.
n Oahu Vicariates: March 11, Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa
n Maui Vicariate: March 16, St. Joseph Church, Makawao
n Kauai Vicariate: March 18, St. Catherine Church, Kapaa
n Hawaii Vicariates: March 23, Sacred Heart Church, Hawi
14. “Christ redeemed the world and gave perfect glory to God principally through his Paschal Mystery; by dying He destroyed our death and by rising He restored our life. The Easter Triduum of the Passion and Resurrection of Christ is thus the culmination of the entire liturgical year. What Sunday is to the week, the solemnity of Easter is to the liturgical year. (General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar, #18).
Three major liturgical principles may be of help here:
a. The Triduum is a single liturgical action that occurs over a period of three days.
b. The Triduum is not part of Lent, but in its entirety celebrates the Easter event.
c. The entire focus of the Triduum is on the Triumph of the Cross and the Resurrection.
Because of the growing number of the faithful who wish to participate in the Holy Week services, pastors are encouraged to schedule these services, and even to duplicate these services (except the Easter Vigil) in order to properly care for their parishioner’s needs.Way of the Light)
- The Stations of the Cross (The Via Crucis or Way of the Cross)
- Pope John Paul II's Stations of the Cross
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4 hours ago
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