http://www.vatican. va/various/ cappelle/ sistina_vr/ index.htmlk
Click on this link above the photo and, when the picture is formed, use your mouse to point at the area you want to see. There is a plus sign "+" to enlarge and a minus sign "-" to return to normal. It is said that this picture took three years to compose. You can examine the Sistine Chapel in detail at the mere click of a mouse. HAPPY WATCHING!
Pope Benedict XVI presides at Solemn Vespers, with the "Pueri Cantores" of the Sistine Chapel singing the Magnificat. This really is Liturgy!!!
Here we have Psalm 50, the Miserere, composed by Allegri exclusively for the Sistine Chapel Choir. Here it is sung by the boys of Kings College Chapel Choir at Cambridge. This is a wonderful piece of music with a single treble voice soaring above the rest in a way that is qute stunning.
Korean Painting of the Theotokos
This contemporary depiction of the Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Korea was
painted by @bana_illust. I'm fairly certain this image was created in honor
of Ko...
4 hours ago
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